Water in California Blog

The Pacific Coast Water Systems Water Treatment Blog

5 Types of Water and How They Affect You

5 Types of Water and How They Affect You

  Everyone knows that you need to drink plenty of water to be healthy, but did you know that the type of water you’re consuming is also really important? There are many types of water and they can affect us differently. Staying hydrated is not always easy for...

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Is Hard Water Damaging Your Plumbing?

Is Hard Water Damaging Your Plumbing?

  If it’s not treated, hard water can do a number on your pipes and appliances. That’s because without removing hard minerals like calcium and magnesium, mineral buildup can occur, clogging your pipes and causing your appliances to break more often. The costs...

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Costs and Benefits of a Reverse Osmosis System

Costs and Benefits of a Reverse Osmosis System

  Staying hydrated has a major impact on your quality of life. But, as you get your daily water in, make sure it is free of contaminants.  And, we don’t mean by drinking bottled water.  That can become very expensive to your wallet and the environment. Get clean...

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5 Reasons to Drink More Water During the Holidays

5 Reasons to Drink More Water During the Holidays

As the holidays approach, life gets hectic.  We know. And, as life gets busy, we may forget how important it is to stay hydrated. Dehydration is damaging to your overall health and mental focus … not a good combination for any time but especially the holidays! Why...

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Is Soft Water Delivery Right For You?

Is Soft Water Delivery Right For You?

  Do you have hard water? The majority of homes in the US do! Hard water can cause all sorts of problems for you and your home.  You may have thought installing a water softener was the only way to get soft water, but we have one more solution … soft water...

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5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Water Softener

5 Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Water Softener

  If you already have a water softener, then we don’t have to tell you about all the benefits. You already know how much better soft water is on your skin, your hair, and your home. You also may have noticed that you actually save money by having a water...

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It’s National Water Quality Month!

It’s National Water Quality Month!

  August is National Water Quality Month. So, we at Pacific Coast Water Systems think it is a great time to go over what can contaminate our water and how to protect ourselves from contaminants. Not everyone in the world has fresh, clean, quality water piped...

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Preventative Maintenance For Your Water Softener

Preventative Maintenance For Your Water Softener

  Investing in a water softener for your home is an excellent choice. It makes chores easier, gives you more free time, and saves on energy. Plus, you’ll see quite impressive financial savings over time. But, none of these benefits will happen if your home water...

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4 Common Water Smells and Solutions

4 Common Water Smells and Solutions

  Consider yourself lucky if you have never experienced smelly water. Water is essential to everyday life and a foul odor to our tap water can be alarming. We can help you identify common water smells and offer solutions! Determine the Source of the Odor First,...

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How to Avoid Common Water Contaminants

How to Avoid Common Water Contaminants

Identifying and knowing how to avoid the most common drinking water contaminants in your tap water is important as a homeowner. We have worked with thousands of people to help them improve their drinking water quality and protect their family from consuming...

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It’s Time to Speak up for Groundwater!

It’s Time to Speak up for Groundwater!

National Groundwater Awareness Week 2021 is from March 7-13 and is all about being a voice for groundwater. Communities around the nation need to speak up for this precious resource. There is no better time than today to learn and share the important role that...

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Are Big Box Store Water Softeners A Good Option?

Are Big Box Store Water Softeners A Good Option?

Homes across the country have hard water, making residential water softeners one of the more popular investments because they can save you a lot of time, money and energy. But, with so many brands and types of water softeners on the market, how will you ever decide?...

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Deionized Water Benefits Businesses!

Deionized Water Benefits Businesses!

Most consumers have heard of water treatment, reverse osmosis or water softeners, but not many people are familiar with deionized water. Just what exactly are the benefits? Who should consider it? How does it work? These questions are asked by many of our existing and...

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4 Big Benefits of Commercial Water Coolers

4 Big Benefits of Commercial Water Coolers

Is your office currently lacking a commercial water cooler for both employees and customers? Providing clean drinking water fresh from the cooler can have some major benefits – from health and wellness to increases in productivity throughout the day. Your work...

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Building a New Home Starts With Good Water Quality!

Building a New Home Starts With Good Water Quality!

If you’re building a new home, congratulations! This is a very exciting endeavor filled with important decisions, personalized details, and designs for the future of your family’s safe place. From planning the layout to selecting those perfect design elements, there...

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When it comes to your water, Pacific Coast Water Systems delivers.