6 Water Softener Myths BUSTED

Aug 14, 2020

water softener myths vs. facts

Let’s face it, not all water softeners are created equal. And, some of the experiences that consumers have had are not all that great. That’s what creates water softener myths in the first place. Sometimes, you’ll read that water softeners are not effective, efficient or worth the money. But, the truth is, those bad experiences that people have had are clouding some of the truths about the benefits of water softeners.

There are a lot of myths or misconceptions (call them what you want) out there. We’d like to give you some information and some TRUTH about why you may want to consider leasing or purchasing a water softener for your home. If living with hard water isn’t enough, we hope that some of this consumer information will help!

6 Common Water Softener Myths

There is too much salt in softened water. It tastes too salty and it is very unhealthy.

This is an understandable misconception, but also one that needs to be explained. Water softeners use an ion exchange process to treat the hard water – and the exchange happens with sodium ions, not to be confused with salt. The amount of sodium that is “added” also depends on the hardness of your water. Research has shown that there are no adverse health effects from drinking or bathing in soft water.

Soft water won’t rinse the soap off my body.

Not true. When using softened water to bathe or shower, you’ll actually feel your real skin and your body’s natural oils.

Household water from municipal sources doesn’t require a water softener.

Water treatment facilities may filter your drinking water, but they do not remove hard minerals. Plus, the degree of hardness varies so widely across the nation. So, yes … it’s helpful to have a water softener even if your water source is a municipal one.

Water softeners waste too much energy.

Some water softeners do use water and salt in the regeneration process, which can waste some resources. However, newer and more improved systems and technology use less electricity, water and salt. Our portable exchange tank service is the ultimate energy saving solution. We will deliver softened water to you and no maintenance is even needed on your part!

Softened water also helps lower the energy use in your home overall. For example, one study discovered that a water heater can maintain its efficiency rating for 15 years when it uses soft water. In contrast, its efficiency can be reduced by 48% with hard water. Wow!

Water softeners will remove minerals that I need in my diet.

When you hear that minerals like calcium and magnesium will be removed through water softening, you may think that those minerals will now be missing from your diet. Drinking hard water is not the same as getting these minerals from food – it won’t benefit you.

My water filter will soften my water.

Water filters will remove contaminants and purify your water, but they do not soften it. Likewise, softeners are not going to purify your water.

We could go on and on, but now you know the truth about these water softener myths. With so many benefits to a water softener, are you ready to choose? Simply contact us today and we can help with that!


The post 6 Water Softener Myths BUSTED first appeared on Water in California.

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